Even computers are somewhat accessible to amateur repair. I transformed a Windows laptop, which could no longer be ugraded, to Ubuntu. It's for grandsons to use. It solves the problem of giving them access to our private computers. If the Ubuntu device is hacked, it's no big deal. I can just clean the drive and reinstall Ubuntu. If the grandsons break it, well it was on its way out the door anyway. People underestimate their capabilities. They often write off the new as if new was a synonym for undoable.

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> And while I didn't take this specific route, I did enjoy this video on taking the Amtrak across the US.

I enjoyed this video too. It reminded me of my first time taking the new SGR train from Nairobi to Mombasa (my first train ride in Kenya) in early 2021. I really enjoyed the spectacular view of the countryside. Not sure I'd survive a 70 hour train ride though - but I think it'd be fun to do a day trip through some States in the US or in Europe.

You might also like this video I watched a few months ago: why america is addicted to cars

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3yXSD2O95E. This YouTuber is really brilliant.

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Fantastic link on amusement park design.

Just hanging out in Copenhagen also made me question the necessity of cars and indeed, walking anywhere ...

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